Asian Hamster-mql5市场排名前十的头皮策略,参数接受非常详细

| 发表于 2020-12-3 09:28:48 | 头皮 MT4 有复盘
Asian Hamste外汇ea适用环境:mql5市场乾坤环境的的外汇ea

Asian Hamste外汇ea的介绍Asian Hamster这个mql5的外汇ea是专门针对于EURUSD和GBPUSD设计的智能交易系统。它主要采用了两种策略:“夜间剥头皮策略”网格恢复策略



Asian Hamste外汇ea提供了一个机会,可以将一部分存款保留在储备金中,并使用储备金的剩余部分进行交易,但是所有资金都将参与提取。该图表具有一个面板,可以在不重新加载EA的情况下更改其一些基本设置。

Asian Hamster外汇ea适用的品种:EURUSD, USDJPY, GBPUSD

Asian Hamster外汇ea适用的周期m15

Asian Hamster外汇ea参数:

Select Language; - 选择日志和图表上显示的语言
Use Settings on the Chart; - 使用图表Windows或标准EA设置窗口中的设置更改
New Cycle; - 允许停止和启动EA(与图表上的按钮重复)
Max Spread; - 允许EA开仓的最大点差(与图表上的按钮重复)
Start Time; -未结订单的开始时间(与图表上的设置重复)
End Time; - 结束时间未结订单(图表上的重复设置)
Close All after (-1 not use); - 在此参数指定的小时后关闭所有未结订单。如果值= -1,则不使用。
Use BE on Friday; – 在周五不损失使用或不关闭订单。正确–允许。错误–拒绝。
Breakeven on Friday after; – 如果未在指定时间之前关闭所有订单,则在周五关闭所有订单(不损失)(适用于在周五使用BE = True)。在这段时间之后,EA停止工作,并且直到周一才打开订单。(在图表上重复设置)
Disable trading on Wednesday; - 星期三的Enablelogic。如果为TRUE,则定单在周二晚上将不会打开。如果您预计某些非常重要的事件会导致市场行为异常意外(图表上的重复按钮),这将非常有用。
Send Push if Drawdown (0.00 - not use);- 如果水位下降水平超过指定值,则向智能手机发送推送消息。如果值为0-禁用
Send trading operations; - 发送(ifTRUE)有关EA执行的交易操作的推送消息,例如未平仓订单,平仓订单,利润等。
Reserve in % - 不会用于交易的储备金百分比(与图表上的设置重复)
Stop Out Level % (0.00 - not use) –When using the ¼ by ¾ money management strategy, this option will furtherlimit losses if the value of this parameter is greater than 0.0. For example: if you set thevalue = 5.0, then if the free funds remaining from the reservation remain less than5%, the EA will close all open transactions, regardless of whether they areprofitable or at a loss (duplicated by the setting on
Use Autolot; - true - true-使用自动lot; false-不使用
Autolot Size; - 计算自动手数的大小
Initial Lot; - 初始手数。
Max Lot; - 最大手数
Virtual Take Profit; - 虚拟止盈
Virtual Stop Loss; - 虚拟止损
Use Lot Multiplier; - 使用手数倍增
Lot Multiplier; - 手数倍增倍率
Max Open Orders (one direction); -最大开仓订单数
Use Max Open Orders Per Day; - 每天开单数限制
Take Profit for broker; - 设置止盈
Stop Loss for the broker; - 设置止损
Use Average TP SL; -使用平均止盈止损
Close Grid Parts; - If TRUE, the EAwill close the grid in parts, in pairs, the largest in volume with the smallest, aswell as in drawdowns, it will build a grid and also close it in pairs to quicklyget out of the drawdown and maintain the equity level.
Grid step, point; - the Number ofpoints to draw a grid to exit the drawdown.
Minimal profit for close grid, point; -Minimum profit in points for closing pair orders (the largest in volume and thesmallest).
Signal Indicator Period; - Period forthe first signal indicator
Signal Indicator From; - the Lowerlevel of the first signal indicator
Signal Indicator To; - the Upper levelof the first signal indicator
Confirm Indicator Period; - Period forthe confirming indicator
Confirm Indicator From; - the Lowerlevel of the confirming indicator
Confirm Indicator To; - the Upper levelis a confirming indicator
Confirm Indicator TF; - Time frame forconfirming indicator
Signal Indicator2 Period; - Period forthe second signal indicator
Signal Indicator2 Max; - Maximum valuefor the second signal indicator
Signal Indicator2 Min; - Minimum valuefor the second signal indicator
"--- NEWS SETTING ---"
Disable trading during news release; -Disable trading during news release
Enable Low News; - Use (if TRUE) weaknews
Pause before Low News, minutes; - Pausebefore the release of weak news
Pause after Low News, minutes; - Pauseafter weak news
Enable middle News; - Use (if TRUE)average news
Pause before Midle News, minutes; -Pause before entering secondary news
Pause after Midle News, minutes; -Break after the release of the medium of
Enable High News; - Use (if TRUE)important news
Pause before High News, minutes; -Pause before important news
Pause after High News, minutes; - Pauseafter important news
Enable NFPNews; - to Use (if TRUE) NFPnews
Pause before NFPNews News, minutes; -Pause before NFP news release
Pause after NFPNews News, minutes; -Pause after NFP news
DrawNewsLines; - Draw (if TRUE) newslines on the chart
Display the news text next to the line;- Display (if TRUE) the names of the news on the chart
Broker Time Zone, GMT (for news); -Deviation from GMT for news output (duplicated by the setting on thechart). Do not forget about this parameter when setting the trading time, otherwise thenews will not be received in time and it cansignificantly affect the trade!
Use Order Comment; - If true – orderswill be assigned a comment for easy tracking of positions opened by therobot in the terminal. If false – all positions will be without comments.
Show Info Table; - true - show; false -do not show.
Font Size; - font Size for informationblock and buttons. Magic Number - - magic number todistinguish your orders from other
Show Chart Grid; - enables and disablesthe grid display on the chart

Asian Hamster外汇ea复盘介绍:



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Asian Hamster 外汇EA 头皮EA 夜间头皮 mql5
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