外汇交易ea 发表于 2021-2-24 19:05:07

Perfect Score v5.57-最新版,作者实盘翻了8倍多

本帖最后由 外汇交易ea 于 2021-3-5 19:36 编辑

Perfect Score EA 适用环境:mql5市场佳达环境的的外汇ea
Perfect Score EA 的介绍:Perfect Score EA这个mql5的外汇ea属于亚洲盘的震荡策略,只交易eurusd,这个是我们精选mql5市场的精品外汇ea的其中之一
Perfect Score EA 适用的品种:EURUSD,
Perfect Score EA 适用的周期:m5
Perfect Score EA 参数

[*]最大交易风险 - 基于 停止损失存款规模。例如:在价值为5的情况下,以止损结束交易将导致损失余额的5%。
[*]开盘时间/分钟 - 在这里,你可以调整开盘的时间/分钟。它必须设置在 GMT+2 DST:美国/欧盟(冬季对应于格林尼治时间+2,夏季对应于格林尼治时间+3) 每周五支全天24小时的蜡烛。被大多数经纪人所用。每天的蜡烛 营业时间为0:00,银行展期时间. 我使用默认设置. 这个参数 不依赖于代理或pc/vps。 当地时间。分分钟 应该被5整除, 例如:0,5,10.55
[*]隐藏停止损失 -启用/禁用隐藏停止-丢失(SL由EA执行。)。如果启用了网格策略,SL将完全禁用
[*]网格自定义乘法器 -使用逗号分隔的每个步骤的自定义乘数,例如-1,2,4,8,16
Fixed Order Size - fixed trading lotEnable AutoLot - use automatic lotcalculationBalance For Every 0.01 Lots - balanceto be used per 0.01lots (automatic lotsize based on balance)Max Risk Per Trade - auto MMbased on the stop loss and deposit size. For example: at a value of5, closing a trade by stop loss will result in a loss of 5% of the balanceMaximum LotSize - maximal allowedtrading lotGMT Offset Auto - if true, the EA willfind the GMT offset automatically. Allow requests to https://www.worldtimeserver.comGMT Offset Manual - set your broker'stime zone (in winter)Adjust DST Manual - set your broker'sDSTMonday Trading - enable or disabletrading on MondayTuesday Trading - enable or disabletrading on TuesdayWednesday Trading - enable or disabletrading on WednesdayThursday Trading - enable or disabletrading on ThursdayFriday Trading - enable or disabletrading on FridayFriday Exit - if you wish to close alltrades on Friday, you should use FridayExit=trueFriday Exit Hour - the robot willclose all open positions at this hour on FridayTrade Direction - long and(or) shortcan be selectedVolatility Ratio - filter based onintraday volatility. Default value: 40. Recommended values: 0...100Hour/Minute to Open aTrade - here you can adjust the hour/minute for opening a trade. Ithas to be set in GMT+2 DST:US/EU (corresponds to GMT+2 in winter,GMT+3 in summer) timezone which gives five full 24-hour daily candles eachweek and is used by most brokers. The daily candles open at 0:00during the bank rollover time. I use default settings. Thisparameter does not depend on the broker or PC/VPS localtime. Minutes should be divisible by 5, for example: 0,5,10...55Maximum Spread - maximum allowablespread, pipsMaximum Slippage - maximum allowableslippage for instant accounts, pips. Increase it to avoid re-quotesand off-quotesTake Profit - take profit in pips (1pip = 10 points for a 5-digit broker)Stop Loss - stop loss in pipsHide Stop Loss - enable/disable hidingstop-loss (SL is executed by the EA). If Grid strategy enabled, SL will bedisabled at allTrailing SL - trailing stop in pipsTrailing SL Start - when to start thetrailing stopMax Holding Time - max positionholding time - a maximum number of bars between opening a positionand closing it completely. This feature closes orders regardless ofwhether the trades are profitable or notMagic Number - unique identifier forEA's ordersOrder Comment - comment for EA'sordersEnable Grid - enable/disable gridstrategy. I will not use the grid strategy, it was requested by customersGrid Spacing/Grid Multiplier/GridSize - space between orders (pips) / grid multiplier / max. number of gridordersGrid Custom Multipliers - custommultipliers for each step separated by a comma, for example - 1,2,4,8,16
Perfect Score EA复盘介绍:https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/51341
Perfect Score EA信号展示:https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/779103

17501661612 发表于 2021-4-26 20:29:38


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查看完整版本: Perfect Score v5.57-最新版,作者实盘翻了8倍多